Kim Maxwell Female
Core Strengths:
· Engaging ability to adapt to different environments and cultures
· Strong networking abilities
· Self-motivated with the ability to speak and write effectively
· Background in medical terminology and practices
· Fluent in English, Spanish, and limited Chinese (Mandarin)
· Familiarity with Chinese culture, preferences, and expectations
· Experience with teaching Western culture to Chinese university students & business people in China and the United States
· Familiar with Chinese culture and able to assist Westerners transition into Chinese living situations
· Knowledge of genres of literature and medical disciplines
Professional Experience:
China 2009 to present
Experience with teaching English, Foreign Music, and Character Building
Enhance reading with students from first grade to high school to develop reading skills, improve articulation, and interest in literature
More than 3 years’ experience teaching writing to low level university students
Experience with traveling throughout China
Conduct several English Corners with university students and adults
Guest speaker for private company at a local university; co-authored textbook
Business consultant in large company, teaching culture and developing product information
United States
Southwestern Oregon Community College, Instructor 2007 to 2009
· Developed and implemented a community adult ESL course
· Facilitated a program for Asian university students
· Instructed Korean college exchange students on various aspects of American culture
Social/community work in Oregon
· Coordinated Educational services for families
· Disability Specialist for South Coast Head Start
· Conducted testing that identified students’ learning styles and abilities for placement in the appropriate schools
Education and Employment Specialist for the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians
· Organized College and Career Fairs for the Southern Oregon Coast
· Developed a tribal library
· Developed and supervised a tracking system for Tribal Students in public schools
· Assisted students and adult tribal members with resume writing and employment applications
· Wrote several articles for the tribal publications
ESL Instructional Assistant, Morongo Unified School District
· Taught English as a Second Language Course to students grade pre-K to grade 12
· Facilitated meetings between parents and school personnel
· Developed after school programs to teach parents English
· Networked with community organizations to recruit volunteers to assist as community teachers
Professional Education
University of Redlands, Bachelors in Communicative Disorders (Speech and Language)
Cal State University, San Bernardino, Special Education