Time Management

来源: 日期:2019-05-10 17:24 【字体:

Time Management: How to complete your assignment one week before it’s due.


“Time” is one of our most precious resources. It’s important to use it wisely so as to cope effectively with the demands of university life. Research indicates that time management skills correlate highly with academic success and satisfaction.

We can learn to manage our use of time. It’s a skill that can be learnt and developed so as to promote balance in our lives. Treat your time at Uni as you would a job where you had to attend for fixed hours, and plan that you will do in that time.

This brochure presents some ideas that may assist you to better manage your time. We recommend that you try these ideas early in your university career and discover what best works for you.

ORGANIZE YOUR PLACE OF WORK: Ensure that your study environment is a pleasant space. Organize your books, papers etc. so that they are easily accessible. Searching for things is a big time-waster. “Have a tidy desk” can be number one priority in your list (see below)!

ESTABLISH A TIMETABLEObtain a planner. Schedule in fixed commitments e.g. lectures, tutorials, sports training. Also schedule in due dates for assignments, projects etc. Bring there dates forward by a few days to give you ‘surprise’ extra time, either so you have an opportunity to reflect before submitting, or to allow for the unexpected e.g. illnesses. Decide how you can best use the remaining time, recognizing the importance of allocating time for recreation, socializing, family, self etc. (Electronic versions of the planner and smart phone apps are handy alternatives to the planner and diary.)

PLAN YOUR DAY: Begin each day with a list of things you both “have to” and “want to” accomplish. It is better to have more items on your list than less. A task will tend to expand with the time allocated for it. If you have one or two items on your list, it may take all day to do them. If you have ten items on your list, even if you complete seven or eight during the same allocation of time, you will be ahead! A full day is better than an empty day ☺.

PRIORITISE THE LIST: What is most important on your list? Rate the tasks in order of priority, and tackle them systematically, starting with the most important.

KNOW YOUR PEAK STUDY TIMES: Decide when you have most energy, when you are most able to focus and concentrate. Schedule your most demanding work for these times and your less demanding work for other times when your energy is not as high.

STUDY STRATEGY: Study for about an hour at a time, then have a short break of 10 minutes.

This is an efficient study method because while you are taking a break your brain is still processing the information. Breaks between study blocks ensure that your levels of concentration will be maintained when you return to study. (One hour is an arbitrary start-point-try for more or less, depending on your individual style and needs.)

DIVIDE and CONQUER: A large assignment or project may appear overwhelming. It becomes manageable and achievable when broken down into several smaller parts. Complete on part at a time. Should you feel ‘stuck’, move on to another part of the assignment. You don’t necessarily need to start at the beginning.

ALLOCATE THINKING and REFLECTION TIME: After completing a piece of writing, leave it for a day or two, then return to it with fresh ideas and enthusiasm. Effective time management means you will have planned in the time for this.

AVOID PROCRASTINATION: Develop strategies that combat procrastination (see separate pamphlet). Start early in the day. It is empowering to complete one small task soon after waking up. Reward yourself when you have successfully resisted the temptation to procrastinate and when you have completed your task (or sub-task!).

LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH INTERRUPTIONS: Let the person interrupting you know that you are studying and that you really need to continue. If you have planned your time effectively, you will have some planned free time. Learn how to politely and assertively invite people to phone or visit you during these specific, non-study times.

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF: Ensure that your diet is nutritional, that you get sufficient sleep, enough exercise and time to “small the roses.” Plan time just for yourself as well.

ALLOW TIME FOR A SOCIAL LIFE: Ensure that you schedule time for catching up with friends, doing what you enjoy, visiting family members etc. This helps achieve balance in your life which is essential for effective study.

SPIRITYALITY/MINDFULNESS: Life is more than study and work. Give yourself time to reflect on the amazing journey that is your life.


PLAN how you spend your TIME to achieve them!